The podcast: See See by ceci.
See See is a podcast that looks in depth. With each season there is a new theme inquired multidimensionally. Whereas in the realms of science, the intellectual or the spiritual, each episode is a journey of exploration and discovery.
See through our guests’ brilliant minds and inspiring life experiences. Their professional and human insight will allow you to see what they see. Embark yourself in an exciting adventure to see through the lenses of an artist, a scholar and researcher, a scientist, a psychologist, a philosopher, an entrepreneur, an activist, a dancer, and an endless list of possibilities that will invite you to see, rethink, relearn and deepen your perspective.
The host: Cecilia Ponce
Host from See See by Ceci, Cecilia Ponce obtained a Law degree at the Anahuac University in Mexico City. She graduated with honors for her performance as well as her thesis “Northern Border (Regulation vs. Restriction). She is also a graduate of Georgetown University, where she obtained an International Law Master’s degree and has a German Ph.D. in Public International Law from Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. Her doctoral thesis dedicated to public procurement is published by the renowned German publishing house, specialized in science, De Gruyeter. She has worked in the private and public sectors. She is also a geopolitical analyst and writer for Sudamerica Hoy. She is founder and Creative Director of the Podcast See See by Ceci ©. Mother of two, Cecilia lives in Berlin with her husband and children and uses her free time to write children’s stories.

Co-host (season 1 & 3): Petra van Veelen
Petra van Veelen holds a Master of Science in Architectural Engineering from the Technical University Delft, The Netherlands. Her thesis about the development of a social housing system got marked with honors. She has worked in real estate development in Amsterdam and as an interior designer in Berlin with a special interest on sustainable and circular economy. She has also joined the theater as a performing actress in Amsterdam and continued to sing and perform with a choir in Berlin. She is Associative Creative Director and Co-host of See See by Ceci ©. Her curiosity makes her a lifelong learner. She is driven by projects where she can connect at a personal level. She enjoys adventurous travel and to learn about diverse cultures. She loves sports.

Co-host (season 2): Amnon David Ar
Amnon David Ar is a unique voice in today’s realistic painting scene. Born in Israel, in 1973, Ar began his formal art education at age 14, ultimately studying at the Bezalel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem. As he could not find at the Academy the artistic training he was looking for, he decided to leave and pursue his own artistic path.
While being much of an autodidact, he sought advice from painters Oswald Adler and Abraham Bykov. Ar quickly gained recognition in his homeland and received his first chance at international level after his work was praised by the Rembrandt House Museum curator Dr. Bob van den Boogert, who marked Ar as one of the great draughtsmen of our time. This recognition, as well as winning the first Schiff prize for figurative painting at the Tel Aviv Museum, first prize winner at SeeMe competition NY, and 3rd prize winner at Boynes Emerging Artist Award Melbourne, led to numerous solo and group exhibitions in Israel, Europe in Museums such as Tel Aviv Museum, Haifa Museum, Janco Museum, Bat Yam Museum, Ashdod Museum, the Kunsverein Worm and Schwezingen, Ramat Gan Museum , The Artists House Jerusalem, Museo Europeo de Arte Moderno and Arkansas Art Center. Regarding Galleries, just to name a few, his work has been exposed at the Vielliers Gallery in Amsterdam, the MZ art space in Berlin, Forum Gallery and the Armory show in NY, Medici and The cube Galleries in London, and the Bernard and Mika Galleries in Tel Aviv.

Co-host (season 2): Cäcilie Rumpelhardt
Born in October 2009, Cäci Rumpelhardt is a gifted ballet dancer who also enjoys Horse Back Riding, Singing in Choir, and skiing. She is engaged in her community through different social programs set in motion by her school or otherwise her friends and family.

Co-host (season 2): Prof. Dr. Swen Hutter
Swen Hutter is the Director of the Center for Civil Society Research and Lichtenberg Professor in Political Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests lie at the intersection of political sociology and comparative politics; in particular, he is interested in the changing dynamics and structuration of political conflict and civil society in European democracies.
Before moving to Berlin in the fall of 2018, Swen Hutter was a research fellow and a Max Weber fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and a research and teaching associate at the University of Munich. He studied political science, communication science, and international law at the University of Zurich and holds a doctoral degree from the University of Munich (2011). Hutter’s dissertation involved a comparative study of protest politics in Western Europe and won the Munich University Society’s best dissertation prize.

Co-host (season 3): Peter Vajkoczy
German neurosurgeon Prof. Peter Vajkoczy is considered one of the best neurosurgeons in the world. Since 2007 he is the Head the Department of Neurosurgery & Pediatric Neurosurgery at Charité- Universitätsmedizin, in Berlin Germany. He is responsible for leading 5.000 brain surgeries per year, 800 of which are performed by him.
He studied medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, in Munich and with full scholarship by the German National Merit Foundation, he earned a PhD at the Institute for Surgical Research, University Hospital Grosshadern of the University of Munich and then completed his Residency at the Department of Neurosurgery Mannheim University Hospital of the University Heidelberg where he specialized in neurosurgery where he also worked as Senior physician and later as Assistant medical director of that same Department.
A Full Professor at the Department of Neurosurgery at Charite – Universitatsmedizin and an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Heidelberg, he specializes in diagnostics and treatment of cerebrovascular disorders, brain tumors, skull base tumors, and minimally Invasive Spine and Peripheral Surgery and performs functional neurosurgery. He also performs pain management procedures. His research fields focus on brain cancer and cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain tumors including cell migration and invasion as well as neuronal guidance molecules for brain tumor biology; He also studies the monitoring of neocortically ill patients after vessel occlusion, including brain hemorrhage; and has special interest in homing and recruitment of immune cells to the nervous system.
He is the author of numerous scientific articles as well as of “Kopfarbeit”, a non-fiction book that provides the reader with unusual insights on brain surgery and neuroscience. Among the many honors he has received “The Young Neurosurgeon Research Award” from the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, “The Hermann Rein Award” from the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology for great achievements in experimental and clinical research in microcirculation and vascular biology, and “The Research Award” from the German Academy of Neurosurgery.
The producer: Michael Viol
With his company WE ARE PRODUCERS, Micha implements complex audio productions in the fields of audio plays and podcasts. He loves to create acoustic worlds. He created the audio production for the Spotify Original Batman Unter Toten as well as the ARD Audiothek production Lost in Neulich 2. For the production of the podcast See See by Ceci © he was responsible for the entire production process.