Trailer Season 1 (Colours)

Throughout the history of human existence, it has been said, written and heard, that “in the beginning there was light”. In our minds and in our eyes, light is wonderous. And not less wonderous is its transformation into colors. Do we dream in colors? How do we express ourselves in colors? Can music be translated into colors? How can born blind people “see” color? and what do colors have to do with identity and the way we look at the world? 

These season’s fantastic guests take you with expertise into a journey of physics and poetry, of art and science, and of collective and individual perception.  Join Israeli figurative painter, Amnon David Ar; Mexican abstract painter, Cecilia Rivera;  Magnum Photographer, Gregory Halpern;  one of Latin America’s most influential Art & Design Curators,  Ana Elena Mallet; NY’s Celebrity Hair colorist, David Johnston;  ODEEH’s German Fashion Designers’ Jörg Ehrlich and Otto Drögsler;  Journalist and best-seller author, Dr. Gavin Evans; Phycologist for children in the autistic spectrum, Marlene Gómez Aizpuru on her own autistic experience; famous world class immerse installation artist, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer; Prof. for Anesthesiology, Alawi Lütz; color expert, Prof. Karen Schloss; and Daniel and Amy Starch Harvard’s Professor of Psychology, Prof. Alfonso Caramazza, on a set of twelve insightful interviews that will expand your intellectual landscape and will brighten up your perspective.  Join them and dare to see what they see! 


Directed by Cecilia Ponce Rivera

Written by Cecilia Ponce Rivera

Produced by Michael Viol

Edited by Michael Viol


Principal Voice: Paul HG 

Guests: Amnon David Ar, Cecilia Rivera, Gregory Halpern, Ana Elena Mallet, David Johnston,  Jörg Ehrlich, Gavin Evans; Marlene Gómez Aizpuru, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Alawi Lütz, Karen Schloss, and Alfonso Caramazza.

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