#07 In the Footsteps of the Rainbow: A Bright Journey on Color, an interview with Dr. Gavin Evans

When looking at the rainbow we might all see the same range of colors, nevertheless based on the culture we are born into or have later access to, the human brain is influenced by a vast range of symbols causing variances in the meaning we bestowed to each color. Whereas expressed through our thoughts or actions, while playing, reading, or dreaming, color plays an essential role in the way we live our lives and interpret the world around us. Let British lecturer and world-class journalist best known for his political and sports writing, Dr. Gavin Evans, guide you in a quest to explore the magic of color. Join this bestselling author of books such as ‘The Story of Colour’, ‘Black Brain, White Brain’, ‘Mapreaders & Multitaskers’, and ‘Skin Deep’ (Oneworld), in an exciting interview that will enable you to discover a fabulous assortment of messages hidden in the spectrum.


Biography Dr. Gavin Evans

Books by Dr. Gavin Evans

TED-Talk by Dr. Gavin Evans

Dr. Gavin Evans auf Twitter: @gmrevans


He is a journalist and author, best known for his sports and political writing. He was born in London on April 29th in 1960 and grew up mainly in Cape Town. After studying abroad for one year at Southwest Texas State University (today Texas State University), he returned to South Africa and got deeply involved in anti-apartheid activities from the late 70ties until the early 90ties. Meanwhile, he completed a BA with honors in economic history at the University of Cape Town and received a BA of Law at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, where he later completed a Ph.D. in political studies.  In 1994 he also earned a Master of Arts. 

He has been working as a journalist since 1984. In South Africa he wrote for the South African Rand Daily Mail and other South African newspapers. Later, he worked as a foreign correspondent for a Rome-based global news agency IPS (Inter Press Service). He then returned to London in 1993, and since then he has been working as a freelance journalist. His articles have been published by various newspapers including the Observer, the Daily Mirror, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Internationalists, BBC History Magazine, The Telegraph, and Die Zeit, among others. He also broadcasts regularly for the BBC World Service.

Over the past 15 years, he has lectured in critical thinking and journalism as well as media law and media theory at Birkbeck, University of London.

He is author of several books, including the very well received memoir, ´Dancing Shoes is Dead´ (2002), ´Kings of the Ring, the history of heavyweight Boxing´ (2005), ´Black Brain, White Brain: is intelligence skin deep?´ (2014) , ´Mapreaders & Multitaskers: men, women, nature, nurture´ (2017), The Story of Colour: (an exploration of the hidden messages of the spectrum /the hidden meanings of colour), and his most recent book: ´Skin Deep: Dispelling the Science of Race´ (OneWorld, 2020).

He has a special fascination for boxing and sports and when not working he trains for marathons and other races.

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